Friday, 30 November 2012

What bees to start with?

I soon decided the best way to start is to buy two bee nuclei. This is a small box with four or five frames containing bees, a laying queen and brood, honey and pollen.

Nuc Vs swarm
I helped a friend catch a swarm some weeks before my nuc was available and was tempted to also use a swarm as a start. A swarm costs nothing, except time and fuel to get it but it does have some drawbacks. It is hard to know the heritage of the swarm, are they quiet, gentle bees or bloody ratbags.
The queen is likely to be older and will need replacing in the autumn.
You do not know the history of varroa treatment.
Since the bees have swarmed once you increase the likelihood of swarming in the future.

Although a nuc can cost from $150-200, when bought from a reputable supplier, you get a known strain of bees with a new queen and recently treated for varroa.

We bought our nucs from Beeline Ltd

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